In the process, I discovered computers. Started on Vic-20, learned MVS S/360 and 370, programmed in Fortran, COBOL, PL/1, RPG, Visual Basic, and even some assembly programming on S/370 and 8086 (the ancestor of Pentium for the young in you). Loved it so much started a career in consulting at Arthur Andersen, programmed on S/38 and AS/400 and gradually evolved into that realm to become a vice-president of consulting services... far from music and not enough time to do any, anymore.
So I quit about 2 years ago. Returned to school to learn basic audio and sound engineering, finished about 6 months ago, and now am here doing some contract work both in audio and in technology, and now having fun connecting back to programming and technology installation.
I don't know exactly how all this works, but I intend to keep you posted on what I find that can be useful for mere mortals that we all are! Some subject that I would like to develop:
- Amazon Cloud computing, EC2 and S3 and related application such as DropBox and;
- Programming MIDI and audio application with Visual C#;
- Using Sonar Producer to record, mix and master audio material, music or for video;
- Utilities that everyone should know about, such as logmein, dropbox,, primo pdf and others;
- Linux distributions that are popular and my experience with some of them;
- Management tricks I've learned over the years, such as OAD, partnering with large technology organizations, managing people and building profitable consulting practices; and,
- Books and music that I have listened to that are worth writing about.
It is always fun to receive comments and suggestion for additional posting, so please don't be shy and let me know if there is something you want to if I know about, I'll reply!
That's it for a first post, now back to Safari Books on line for Visual C# 2008 step by step!
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